What a wonderful title! If only (she goes off into her dream world....)

The wonderful Laura E James tagged me for this
Great blog round. Funnily enough, I have been SO busy, I haven’t been checking
things (naughty girl – I’ve already slapped my own wrist) and only discovered
this tag in the very nick of time. How’s that for intuition? Laura must have been
sending me her cool vibes….
So, on to my questions and next tagged writers,
who should post next Wednesday – 17th October, 2012. Lovely to read your
responses, Laura.
Q: What is the working title of your next book?
I am currently working on a secret project. I could
tell you, but then you know what I’d have to do to you… (so let’s not go
there). However, all will be revealed in time (as they say).
But I will talk about another work-in-progress.
The working title for this is "The Journey". This is
very vague as I just hate giving the game away at such an early stage - and the real title will do that, no question. OK, I
know, I should have been a spy.
Q: From where did the idea come?
The original idea for this one came from a
documentary series I saw on TV
Q: Under which genre does your book fall?
This is most definitely comes under the Historical Romance banner.
Q: Which actors would you choose to play the part
of your characters for a movie?

I’m such a geek, I never know the names of many actors.
Someone strong, dark and earthy, like Colin Farrell or Gerard Butler for my
romantic hero (drool) and someone a bit quirky but gorgeous, like Keira Knightley
for my bloody-minded, but sometimes fragile heroine.

Q: What is a one sentence synopsis of your book?
A vague one – He needs to go on a secret journey
and she tags along! Sorry
Q: Will you self-publish or be represented by an
First I will probably try submitting directly to a publisher
who will accept such submissions.
Q: How long did it take you to write the first
This one isn’t written yet. It is still in the early planning stage. I have been hideously waylaid
by my secret endeavour… Suffice it to say, I have now cut my teeth on 3 full
novels and several partials. This is all “learning my craft” stuff.
Q: With which books within your genre would your
story compare?
Q: Who or what inspired you to write this book?
Being a prolific reader inspired me to write in
general. The RNA and its wonderful authors inspired me to write romance. Historical?
Simply because it’s my favourite genre. But the TV documentary and its vibrant
presenter, inspired me specifically to start this one.
Q: What else about your book might pique the
reader’s interest?
That age-old desire of humankind to travel onwards; to
right a wrong and to seek a destination
of the soul.
The next 5 writers I am tagging are (to be
announced – as it’s 3 am but who needs sleep anyway?) Watch this space:
Hopefully this has been vague enough to either pique
your interest, or drive you insane. Either works for me (Laughs out Loud - sleep deprived)
Thank you for including me, Laura. This really got me going!
Take care everyone.
Susan x